Press review Centro Vista

Insalute tells us about the International Ophthalmology Congress organised by Centro Vista.

October 2019, article in L’Unione Sarda from the Whats Next in Ophthalmology congress. In fotto Dr Sergio Solarino and Dr Rolando Toyos.

October 2019, Health Pressing World, press release What’s Next in Ophthalmology.

October 2019, Videolina report ‘Eye pathologies: new personalised and scalpel-free methods’.
Centro Vista: November 2018 the first keratoconus treatments in Sardinia with Stare X technique. Always ahead.
Sergio Solarino of Centro Vista Medical Centre, interviewed by Unione Sarda about the Femto Laser.
Sergio Solarino, director of Centro Vista talks about the eye and diabetes on Medicall.
Sergio Solarino talks about dry eye on Medicall.
Sergio Solarino talks about cataracts and the Fast and Safe method.
Sergio Solarino talks about the femtolaser on the Buongiorno Alghero website.